嚴格說來,教宗對於偽善教徒的批評,和他過去表達意見的言論一樣,並沒有任何的針對性。不過,有人顯然已經認為教宗和川普針鋒相對,迫不及待他們要看他們的言辭交鋒。像是底下這個推文:她說,我願意付錢看教宗和川普來一場推特大戰。全世界最神聖的人對決全世界最混蛋的人(The Holiest man on earth vs the assholiest man on earth)。
Pope suggests 'better to be atheist than hypocritical Catholic' (路透)
Pope suggests it's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian (CNN)
Pope Francis suggests it's better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic (Washington Post)
Trump Fans Are Trolling The Pope Because They Think He's Subtweeting The President (BuzzFeed)