We are shocked to hear that the Editor-in-Chief of Gusa Publishing House, Yanhe Li, who uses the pen name Fu Cha, has been detained by the Chinese government. Recently during a visit to Shanghai, he
was deprived of his freedom of movement. Neither his lawyer nor any family members have been allowed to see him, and communication with him has been severely restricted.
As the authors, translators, and editors of Gusa Publishing, we have come to know Fu Cha over the past few years. Fu Cha is deeply devoted to reading and publishing. He has dedicated himself to his role as the Editor-in-Chief, and to spreading knowledge and inspiring others.He is sincere and generous to colleagues, without a thought to his own fame or wealth. His attitude towards life and work is one of unfailing optimism. Fu Cha was born in China, but he has relished Taiwan's freedoms, and devoted himself to upholding those freedoms for Taiwan's readers.
In Taiwan, freedom of speech and publication, and academic freedom are like the air we breathe. They are part of daily life for every reader,every author,every translator and every editor. Under Fu Cha's leadership as Editor-in-Chief, Gusa's books have been very popular with Chinese-language readers around the world for their diversity and the inspiration they provide. We believe Fu Cha has not committed any crime in utilizing these freedoms. We urge the Chinese government to immediately release Fu Cha so that he can return to his beloved family and his publishing work.
Signed by Gusa Publishing's authors, translator, and other partners.